Facilities of the Centre - development, future
We hope to finalize the land lease with the Land Board soon. The land is about 15km outside Maun, an area of 4,43 ha. First, after the completed land lease process, we need to fence the land; we need to provide water (drilling a borehole), connect electricity, provide communication - phone line with internet, and start building the facilities. Further, we would need equipment, furniture and many other things before the centre will be able to operate.
Depending on the funds available the centre could grow developing gradually its facilities.
The ultimate facilities envisaged are:
Chapel for 100 people - one separate building
House for the SVD confreres responsible for the centre - one separate building - for 3 people
Workshop with media studio & office - one separate building
Conference hall, library, classes - one separate building
Dining area for 110 people - one separate building
Kitchen & pantry - one separate bulding
Laundry building
Accommodation 1: self-contained rooms - one separate building for 12 people
Accommodation 2: self-contained rooms - one separate building for 12 people
Accommodation 3: self-contained rooms - one separate building for 12 people
Accommodation 4: shared rooms & shared toilets, showers - one building for 32 people
Accommodation 5: shared rooms & shared toilets, showers - one building for 32 people
House for the centre's team for 3 women - one separate buidling
House for the centre's team for 3 men - one separate building
Recreational & sport facilities
Reception and storage
Shaded areas
Infrastructure. Water pumping, distribution & power supply complex

(water pump housing, pressure tank & tower, power distribution housing,

canalization and sanitation, rubbish disposal, telecommunication – phone &

internet system, security system, parking areas, landscaping, garden access

roads, paths, lights, fire places)

It is envisaged that the centre will be able to accommodate up to 100 visitors at a time, in normal circumstances. Therefore, all relevant ultimate facilities must be planned to cater for this number of people. At times it will be possible to accommodate even bigger number for special events, but in simple temporal accommodation and maximizing the space of the permanent structures, e.g. using additional beds. The centre will be run by a permanent staff having their own separate facilities (persons in charge of the centre, the religious and even lay pastoral workers - members of the centre's team). It is proposed that in order to minimize the cost of construction, needed equipment and space, and to avoid duplication, many basic facilities will be shared in the centre. This will also facilitate a team-kind of attitude and common responsibility for the centre. Among the facilities that could be shared are: chapel, kitchen, dining area, laundry, storerooms and some tolls and equipment.
About Infrastructure
a) water supply and distribution - borehole and water pump housing, tower with pressure tank, distribution
b) canalization and sanitation - septic tanks and soak away system
c) rubbish disposal - strict sorting: cans, glass, combustibles and organic
d) power supply and distribution - transformer on the power line and main connection to the plot as
short as possible – very expensive in Botswana
e) telecommunication
- phone lines – there are no telecommunication lines in the area, telecoms however, provides a
radio based phone system used extensively in Maun area; the transmitter is placed in the area
of the centre and from there the normal telephone wires are used. Normally the transmitters work
for up to 25km from the main station, our place is about 14 km from the Maun station (air distance);
testing can be requested from Botswana Telecomms.
- internet connection – there are two possibilities in Maun area: to use the transmitter above
providing a separate dedicated internet line or to use a satellite system already available in
Maun with 24 hours unlimited online connection via special transmitter installed in the area of the
centre. Also here the testing can be requested from the company providing the service.
f) security system - some kind of security system should be installed, especially in the sensitive areas
of the centre; special expensive equipment should have protective housing or safe-kind security;
a permanent watchman could be considered as well
g) access roads, paths, lights, parking areas
h) agricultural areas of the centre - possible agricultural activities for self-reliance and possibly funds
generating like hydroponics, vegetable, poultry, fish farming, garden and fruit and indigenous tress
and other projects could be considered
About Recreational & sport facilities
Court for games: volleyball, basketball, badminton, netball
Gym and indoor games room: table tennis, snooker, darts
Swimming pool – optional last priority development
IMPORTANT NOTE (up-dated 28th Febrary 2009):
Because of the circumstances the bishop requested to suspend the development of the Missionary Lefoko Centre project for some time. It is not canceled but it is just put on hold. He also requested to put on hold the fundraising activities. The funds already received are kept on the special account and will not be used for any other purpose than originally intended. Meanwhile we are continuing to resolve the land issue.
Catholic Safaris project is not suspended!